We are a Global Society

a monthly post
This site is dedicated to helping us reset our Zero Carbon Footprint 


I recently purchased a comfortable desk chair from IKEA. The directions came in 35 languages, all printed compactly on both sides of one thin sheet of paper. Thirty-five languages is testament to a global economy. A healthy, sustainable international trade is supported by a collective social agreement; our Global Society.

The entire population of this planet is ultimately drawn into global awareness. There are global environmental issues that should be agreed upon by the entire planet instead of each individual country. Until then, there are many ways we can minimize our carbon footprint:

1. Pick up styrofoam whenever you see it. It is a catastrophe for marine life and for birds foraging for seed.


2. Cut open your seemingly empty product tubes. When you simply cannot squeeze out another dollop, take heavy duty scissors and cut the tube straight across. You will be amazed at how much is left inside. I’ve found 2 full tablespoons of product sitting just beyond the squeeze area. To reseal, I fit the pieces back together.

"Empty" product tubes


3. Visit your local thrift store for new sports equipment. Save the planet by not adding to consumerism, while saving yourself a bundle of cash. The following items are available at the Rancho Coastal Humane Society Thrift Shop in Encinitas CA.

$38 Rancho Coastal Humane Society

$38 Never used bike wagon

$50 Rancho Coastal Humane Society

$50 New Freestyle, floor model

37" x 30" wicker mirror $2

37″ x 30″ wicker mirror $2 (yes, Two $ !)

Did you know? : Jimmy Carter installed solar panels on the White House and Ronald Reagan removed them as a snub to renewable energy, 1981. Everywhere we go, everything we do makes at least a little difference! I marched with Native Nations Rise in Washington DC last month. 10,000 of us; it was exhilarating. While I was there, I claimed the Washington Monument for my Karuk tribe of Northern California.

Washington Monument (594KB)

I claimed the Washington Monument for my Karuk Tribe of Northern California!



Secondhand clothing diminishes several Environmental and Human Rights issues that are associated with haute couture.

Wild By Nature, Inc.